Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi My name is Mary Urbano.


I live in Mission, Tx

I am in the 7th Grade at IDEA Mission College Prep.  My favorite subject is math I am involved in schools activities, such as Student Council, Soccer etc.  I also enjoy RTC ex: using the computer.  Three words that describe me are:  Smart, social, & quiet.


The people I admire most are my friends because they are there when im sad and help me in everything I need.


If I could be anything I wanted to be, I would become a doctor because I like to help sick people out especially children.


When I go to college, I will study being a doctor.  I will attend Princeton University.  I chose this college because it seems like a  very good school where I can learn more what I want to become.  Something I think I will be challenging in college is taking tests.


Something I think will be fun in college is being with my friends in the dorms and sleeping late.


After college I will become what I wanted to and have fun traveling around the world


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yanette and her friends Daisie and Lorena were talking in the hallway about their cheerleading tournament . 
A new student which is Adalia Munoz  was trying to open her locker .
some girl name Naara Barron came up to her and threw her things to the floor.
Yanette goes and helps her pick up her things.
Yanette: "Here I'll help you.
Adalia: "Thanks."
Yanette:" My name is yanette, you're new here right?"
Adalia: " My name is Adalia I  just move from Georgia yesterday."
Yanette:" Do you want to be our friend?"
Adalia: "Yes."
Yanette: "Okay see you later after class."
Adalia:" OKay bye."
Daisie and Lorena- said "Bye!!!" that was their only words because they were not being helpful to Adalia

i will finish all my work on time.  i would not be talking as much as i was yesterday.  i will pay attention to what we are going to be doing.  i will be on task and follow instructions . i will finish my work that i have accomplish.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009